An Energy Solution that's good for the Environment, Rate Payers & Plant Owners.

TICA Resource Guide: Company Profiles

Company Name: SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc.
Address: 7401 W. 129th St.
City, State, Code, Country: Overland Park, KS 66213 U.S.A.
Contact Name, Title:

Scott Maurer, Global Product Manager – FAP Products

Telephone: 1-913-664-7834
Facsimile: 1-913-693-9310
Corporate TIC Capabilities, Products, or Services: Many of the existing turbine air inlet cooling installations use SPX Cooling Technologies products. Marley, Balcke, Hamon Dry Cooling and Recold are brands offered by this technology leading global manufacturer of field erected and factory assembled cooling towers, evaporative coil products and air-cooled condensers. SPX CT equipment has been used in a large number of air-conditioning, refrigeration, industrial, power and other heat rejection applications throughout the world. SPX CT offers its customers lifetime value in the products and services provided through its global network.

The Turbine Inlet Cooling Association disclaims all warranties, regarding products, data or services described at this Website, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantiability and fitness for particular purpose. The Turbine Inlet Cooling Association does not endorse or recommend any of these products, data or services described at this Website. All data provided are estimates, and the Association does not make any warranty or representation regarding accuracy, completeness or usefulness. All data should be verified by independent evaluation or research.